For years, our students and parents have been our best advertisers. They are an invaluable asset who shares positive experiences through simple word of mouth to families, friends, and colleagues.
With our referral program, we hope to repay YOU for your hard work in referring students to US!
This is how it works…. We give you $250 incentive credit towards your tuition for each new family who enrolls in our school program and attends for the entire year with all fees current! If a student enters after the school year begins, you still qualify at a reduced Incentive Rate with a re-enrolling family!! For the full year or half the year – you benefit from your referral….
As a current Corpus Christi school family, you no doubt are very proud of our school community. We are too - - and we all have so much of which to be proud!!
Please help us share that pride with others. If you know of a prospective family who is considering joining us, please fill out the enclosed referral form. This is an extremely effective way for us to partner in connecting with prospective families at any time. If your referral family enrolls with us, in January you will receive your credit spread out over your remaining monthly payments.
Referral enrollments after the start of the school year will be pro-rated as per enrollment date.
The New Student Referral Incentive Program is for parents or guardians who are paying tuition for students enrolled in Pre-K through grade 8.
The referral program awards a referring Corpus Christi current school family with a $250 tuition credit for each new FAMILY they refer and enrolls in Corpus Christi School for this year. (If a new family has more than one child, the incentive is increased by $50 for each additional enrolling child in that family).
For a current school family to be eligible for the tuition referral credit:
· The current family refers by filling giving the referral form to the incoming family. The incoming family must pass in the form with their paper application or within one week of submitting an online application.
· The prospective family must enroll in Corpus Christi School and must remain for the school year with all fees current.
Other considerations:
· Tuition referral credits are non -transferable. Tuition referral credits hold no cash value.
· Tuition referral credits are limited to the earliest referring/enrolled family and cannot be shared with other school families. This will be determined by the earliest date and time the referral is received.
· Tuition referral credit consideration is limited to the referral of new families never before enrolled at Corpus Christi School.
· Tuition referral credits apply only to the tuition obligation in the calendar school year.
· Corpus Christi School reserves the right to change or discontinue this program at any time.