SCRIP Cards are available for purchase in the school office Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00am to 2:30pm.
For security measures please contact the school for the Enrollment Code.
The FITS gift card program is a unique fundraiser for Corpus Christi School. Each year, the FITS program makes a significant contribution to defray the school’s operating expenses. FITS is crucial to Corpus Christi School because the cost of educating our children exceeds our per student tuition. As with tuition, the FITS program is part of your financial obligation to the school.
Each Corpus Christi School family with students in grades PreK-8 is required by School Board policy to raise a specific amount of money as noted on the tuition schedule. These profits must be raised through the purchase of FITS cards from May to April. If a family chooses not to participate, they may “Opt-Out” by writing a check for the specified amount made payable to “Corpus Christi School”, with “Opt-Out” written in the memo field or inform the office to have it done through the FACTS account.
The program works like this: The school purchases FITS gift cards and the cards are then sold to Corpus Christi School families. There is a large selection of vendors, ranging from local grocery stores and restaurants to department stores and national chains.
Please note that if your family’s obligation is $590, this does not mean that you need to purchase $590 worth of cards; it means that you must generate $590 in profits for the school.
Example: The Home Depot currently has a profit percentage of 4%. If you purchase a $50 gift card, $2.00 goes towards your annual obligation. If you buy a $300 card, $12.00 goes towards your obligation. The larger the profit percentage (and the larger the purchase), the more quickly you will accumulate your profits and meet your obligation.
Statements detailing the amount of profits you have earned can be obtained by contacting Corpus Christi Script program coordinator Ania Simpson:
Families that have not met their financial commitment by April 28 will be billed any remaining balance by May 12. Payment is expected by May 26.
· If a family meets some, but not all, of their obligation by April 28 the remaining balance will be due by May 12.
If a family meets their obligation by March 24th and earns an additional amount, the additional amount will be credited to the last payment for tuition.
1. Online - you create an account using the Corpus Christi enrollment code (for security measures please contact the school for the Enrollment Code) and sign up for Presto Pay (automatic payment from your bank account, there is a $0.15 fee)
2. Paper Order Form - sent to the office with your payment.
Cards that are ordered but not in stock at school will be ordered within the same week.
Having the online account gives you two additional opportunities:
1. You can get electronic gift cards for immediate use from approximately 70 retailers (for online purchases, unplanned purchases or spontaneous shopping, dining, etc); that option is called Scrip Now (you must be signed up for Presto Pay to use it).
2. You can reload your gift cards (see list of retailers for participation).
Please feel free to contact the program’s coordinator - Ania Simpson ( with any questions and/or problems.
· MyScripWallet - Click here for videos.
· PrestoPay: PrestoPay is the electronic payment method which allows you to securely link a bank account to your ShopWithScrip account. Families can then choose to have their bank account debited for the entire amount of their ShopWithScrip order when they checkout online
Credit Cards:
· Regular "in-stock" orders may be placed via "kidmail". Click here to download an order form and send in with payment, with your child in an envelope marked "FITS ORDER". You order will be filled and returned home to you with your child (usually the same day or very next day).
· Special Orders take one week to arrive. If you place an order for gift cards that are not kept in stock, we order them the week you place your order and they arrive the following week and will go home with your child, unless you ask us to hold the order in the office for pick up.