The Science/Health & Wellness Curriculum is based on Archdiocesan curriculum guides, the State of Connecticut science content standards, the National Science Education Standards, and the National Health Education Standards: Achieving Excellence. The Science/Health & Wellness Curriculum is designed to educate young people of the 21st century in knowledge of the sciences and its processes to appreciate the wonder of the universe, analyze the problems presented by life, and develop appropriate and morally responsible solutions to those problems. Students will be able to celebrate the miracle of God's universe, to analyze critically the challenges of life, and to develop moral responses to questions, challenges and problems.
The strand of health & wellness is an integrated component of the whole science curriculum. As we move forward in the third millennium, the health and wellness curriculum addresses our students' importance and wellness in today's technological society. As Catholic school educators, we recognize that spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and academic growth and performance and good health practices are inextricably intertwined. The relationship of one's own health and that of family and friends is introduced early in the curriculum and developed through the middle school grades, exploring the impact of health on the broader community and the world. The health curriculum provides students with specific health and wellness related knowledge and skills, health-enhancing behaviors, and known health risks to avoid. Today, health education is as important as all other subjects we teach.